A day in life of an International Student from Brazil in Sydney

Sydney CQUniversity campus

Studying a University course can take a long time to complete, so it is important that you do not need to keep your whole living in Australia only for studies, it is possible to have a lot of fun in one of the best countries in the world!

As a student from Brazil who has just completed studying the Graduate Diploma of Business Administration at CQUniversity Sydney campus, I will show you a typical day of my life, it will be during the semester and a weekday.

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How is life in Kathmandu versus in Melbourne?

Time flies! It’s been almost 8 months that I flew from Kathmandu my hometown to a beautiful paradise called Melbourne. So far life has been like a roller coaster with many bumps and highs. However, I am loving Melbourne although the life in Kathmandu and Melbourne is quite different.

In this blog, I will be sharing about the how my life was in Kathmandu and how my life is now in Melbourne.

Continue reading How is life in Kathmandu versus in Melbourne?