Did you know that more than half of all cyclists report back pain?

This year the Tour de France will celebrate its 105th year! Millions of Australians will be tuning in to watch 176 athletes take on the 3329 km course over 23 days. Did you know that cycling teams are more frequently recruiting chiropractors as part of their healthcare teams?

Mid-June, our final year chiropractic interns provided treatment at the Brissie to the Bay MS Bike Ride and they can confirm that back pain was a big complaint. It has been suggested that more than 50% of cyclists complain of low back pain.  Do you fit into this category?  Research has confirmed that cyclists with low back pain are more likely to have muscle activation imbalances, back extensor endurance deficits, and increased lumbar flexion while cycling. Over a period of time, these imbalances may contribute to increased pain levels.

There are many ways to address musculoskeletal imbalances to support your back and keep you functioning at your highest level.  In addition to spinal manipulation, chiropractic care often involves rehabilitation and is proven to help with back pain.  After all, there must be a good reason for many of the Tour de France cycling teams using chiropractic!

Ways to prevent back pain while cycling:

  • Get a bike fit by a cycle shop
  • Stretch your low back before and after
  • Ensure you are drinking enough water
  • Get a functional assessment and a tailored rehab plan.

Back pain is a common complaint but there is no need to give up on your ambitions!

Here at CQUniversity, our chiropractic interns can provide you with a complete functional assessment and develop a rehabilitation program to correct any existing imbalances or weaknesses in our dedicated rehabilitation space.  Why not call to see what one of our interns could do for you?

Visit our Health Clinics for more info.


Foster, N. E., Anema, J. R., Cherkin, D., Chou, R., Cohen, S. P., Gross, D. P., … & Turner, J. A. (2018). Prevention and treatment of low back pain: evidence, challenges, and promising directions. The Lancet.

Lower back pain is a common complaint amongst cyclists but what causes it and how should you go about curing it? Retrieved from https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/knowledge/article/izn20170620-Health—recovery-Lower-back-pain-on-the-bike-0

Muir, P. (2016). Beat cycling back pain. Retrieved from http://www.cyclist.co.uk/in-depth/1652/beat-cycling-back-pain

Streisfeld, G. M., Bartoszek, C., Creran, E., Inge, B., McShane, M. D., & Johnston, T. (2017). Relationship between body positioning, muscle activity, and spinal kinematics in cyclists with and without low back pain: a systematic review. Sports health, 9(1), 75-79.

CQUniversity Australia (https://cqunilife.com)

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