What you need to know about Residential Schools

As a distance education student studying online, you may be required to attend a residential school to satisfy your unit requirements. A residential school is an intensive block of time spent on-campus that allows students to network with lecturers, tutors, industry specialists and fellow students, while also obtaining hands-on, practical work experience.

On average, residential schools are 2-5 days in length (may vary) and students are required to attend an intensive schedule of classes at a nominated CQUni location.  Residential schools can be compulsory or recommended and are an important aspect of your course.

‘CQUni has given me the opportunity to attend residential schools where I can enhance my learning and become immersed in a simulated clinical setting.’ – Gemma Hale, Bachelor of Nursing student

‘I have found these are a great way to connect with like-minded students and also provide the opportunity to gain some quality experience from face-to-face interactions with lecturers.’ – Michael Gordon, Bachelor of Psychological Science student

CQUniversity offers a range of Equity Study Supplement scholarships to assist undergraduate students with the additional cost of attending residential schools.  Further information regarding our wide range of scholarships can be found at www.cqu.edu.au/scholarships.

‘Initially, I did not apply for an Equity Scholarship, as I didn’t believe that I would be eligible. The realisation that travelling to and from residential schools and a conversation with my first-year Student Mentor prompted me to look into this initiative further. The next round of Equity Scholarships opened and I submitted an application. My application was successful, giving me the opportunity to have up-to-date textbooks and financial assistance with compulsory residential schools and work placement.’ – Lesley Ann Porter, Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) student.


cqunilifeguest (https://cqunilife.com)

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