CQUNI SPOTLIGHT – Featuring Mariana Mihet

CQUniversity Apprenticeship Liaison Officer Mariana Mihet has truly made the Emerald campus her home away from home. As a Romanian immigrant, Mariana has embraced her passion for life in her adopted country and enjoys being able to help other people achieve success and follow their dreams.

What is your first memory?

Being three years old and presenting a show on a huge stage in front of lots of people. It was scary, but amazing at the same time.

Describe the greatest moment in your life so far?

Becoming a mother, against all odds.

What do you love most about your role?

The people I interact with. Every day, it’s a “new world” out there for me because I get to meet new people and learn new things.

What’s the film you’ll never get sick of and why?

The Pursuit of Happiness. I come from an ex-communist country, so I can relate to this movie. It shows that with a positive attitude, persistence and lots of determination you can overcome all the obstacles and struggles and achieve something in life.

What is a motto or phrase that you live by?

“Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein

Which country in the world would you most like to visit?

Norway, because it is the country with the highest quality of life. Australia is in fourth place, so I would like to see what the difference is.

Jamie Oliver is coming to dinner – what do you make for him?

Traditional Romanian food, of course: Entrée: Beef salad, Main: Cabbage rolls, and for dessert: Fluffy clouds in vanilla custard.

cqunispotlight (https://cqunilife.com)

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